Triglav prečenje – normalni pristop
Ponosni smo, da lahko sledimo izvrstni ideji Triglavguides, da skupaj ponudimo vodene vzpone na Triglav, z vseh strani, v novi obliki, saj od konca junija do konca septembra ponujamo vodene vzpone na Triglav v skupinah. Odhodi so vsako nedeljo/ponedeljek in sredo/četrtek.
Vzponi so vodeni z poklicnimi gorskimi vodniki z mednarodno licenco IFMGA. Cena za vzpon je 200€ na osebo.
Vzpon poteka iz doline Soče, iz Trente, natančneje doline Zadnjica. Prilagajamo se vremenu in na vrh priplezamo prvi dan popoldan ali pa drugi dan zjutraj.
Prespali bomo na koči naDoliču, ki je precej bolj mirna kot koče bližje vrhu. Celotna tura traja nekje med 14 in 16 ur, na njej pa premagamo okrog 2000 metrov višinske razlike.
V ceno je vključena izposoja opreme in vodenje. Za spanje, hrano in pijačo na koči pa potrebujete še okrog 50€.
Novost je tudi to, da ponujamo prečenje celotnega masiva Triglav, od Z na V, pri čemer obiščete tudi najbolj turistično oblegano kočo v visokogorju – Kredarico!
Info na ali +386 41 567 633
Triglav traverse- join a group
We are proud to follow the bright idea of Triglavguides to present a new joint form of guided climbs of our highest mountain as from end of June till the end of September we will offer a guided climb of Triglav each Sunday-Monday and Wednesday-Thursday.
Main advantage for you in joining the group is the price, which is 200€ per person. That is the price, most of the agencies in Slovenia have. Our main advantage is that the climbs will be guided exclusively by IFMGA mountain guides, what gives you more safety. Unfortunately some of slovenian agencies work with non licensed guides, usually students with no experience in guiding at all.
The starting point for the climb from Soča Valley will be Zadnjica valley. The program will vary on the weather conditions. We will choose the best time to climb to the top of Triglav, that will be either first day afternoon or second day morning.
We will seep at Dolič dom, a small hut a bit off the main ways to Triglav, which means it is quiet and not so busy. There is around 2000 meters of ascent and descent on the way. That will take between 12-18 hours in two days. Be prepared to start scrambling effectively at 7 am on day 1 and finish on 4 pm on day 2. The time of departure and return may vary on weather conditions a bit, but it will stay somewhere between this hours.
The price includes equipment rental, transport (if needed from Bovec or Tarvisio) and guiding. There is additional cost of sleeping, food and drinks on the mountain, which is usually around 50€ per person.
The main advantage is that we offer the full traverse of Triglav, from W to E. Enjoy!
Info on or +386 41 567 633