Julius Kugy in Henrik Tuma sta se vzajemno spoštovala, čeprav sta gore raziskovala sočasno in sta gledala na vzpone, ki sta jih opravljala, največkrat z različnih zornih kotov. V tem sklopu gremo po sledeh prvih vzponov čez strme in zahtevne stene, ki so se dogajali v začetku 20. stoletja. Marsikdo bi ob njih lahko zamahnil z roko. Vendar pa izredno tenkočutno najdeni prehodi, ki so omogočali s takratno tehniko plezanja varne vzpone še danes burijo domišljijo po opravljenem vzponu. In marsikatero vprašanje – Kako so prišli takrat čez – spremeni naš pogled na tiste, ki so prvi našli svojo pot ter del življenjske zgodbe, ki jim je nihče ni mogel več odvzeti.
Naziv ture | Najprimernejše obdobje | Število gostov | |
Jerebica, Tumova smer | maj – oktober | 2 | |
Veliki vrh (Rombon), Tumova smer | maj – oktober | 2 | |
Loška stena, Tumova smer | maj – oktober | 2 | |
Veliko špičje, Tumova smer | maj – oktober | 2 | |
Triglav, Tumova smer | maj – oktober | 2 | |
Mojstrovka, Tumova smer | maj – oktober | 2 | |
Kanjavec, Tumova smer | maj – oktober | 2 | |
Bavški Grintavec, po grebenih | maj – oktober | 2 |
Potrebna oprema
- letna gorniška oprema,
- plezalni pas,
- čelada,
- vponka z matico,
- sešiti najlonski trak,
- naprava za spuščanje ob vrvi
Julius Kugy and Henry Tuma respected each other even when they were exploring the mountains at the same time and were viewing the ascents they made from different points of view. Within this group we follow the leads of the first ascents across steep and demanding walls which took place at the beginning of the 20th century. Many a person would just not pay any attention to that. But extremely sensitively found passages that made possible safe ascents with the climbing technique of that time, agitate our imagination still today after we had made the ascent – how were they able to come across in those days – change our view of those who were the first to find their way and a part of their life stories that no one has been able to take away from them.
Tour | Most suitable perod | Number of guests | |
Jerebica, Tumova smer | may – october | 2 | |
Veliki vrh (Rombon), Tumova smer | maj – oktober | 2 | |
Loška stena, Tumova smer | may – october | 2 | |
Veliko špičje, Tumova smer | may – october | 2 | |
Triglav, Tumova smer | may – october | 2 | |
Mojstrovka, Tumova smer | may – october | 2 | |
Kanjavec, Tumova smer | may – october | 2 | |
Bavški Grintavec, po grebenih | may – october | 2 |
- summer mountain equipment,
- climbing harness,
- helmet,
- carabiner with nut,
- 120 cm sling,
- rope descending device